

In this section, I include a variety of topics relating to mathematics from pure to applied and everything in between.

Overton Window Shift Points and Elasticity
Cyclic Groups
Euler's Totient Function
Using Taylor Series
Rules of Integration
The Area of a Triangle
Trapezoidal Rule
Using Sigmoid Functions
Proving the Axioms of a Group
Representing Graphs
Riemann Sums
Poisson Distributions
Position, Velocity, and Acceleration
Prime Sieve
Properties of Divisibility
Metric Tensors
Midpoint Formula
Minimum Paths
Lagrangian Multipliers
Linear Algebra Operations
Linear Interpolation
Metric Spaces
The Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic
Horner's Rule
How Many Earths
How To Analyze a Function
Intersecting Lines
Jacobi Symbols
Fermat's Little Theorem
A Fibonacci Implementation
Finding a Trend Line with Least Squares
Fermat Primality Test
Einstein Summation Notation
Equivalence Classes
Euler's Method for Initial Value Problems
Evaluating Triple Integrals with SymPy_jl
Diophantine Equations
Discrete Random Variables
Distance Between Points
Digital Roots
Computing the Modular Inverse
Computing Weighted Mean of Distance to Star Cluster
Counting Digits
Cross Product
Deriving Trigonometric Identities
Difference Approximations of the Derivative
Binet's Formula
Chinese Remainder Theorem
Collatz Conjecture
Complex Numbers in Julia
Computing Geodesics
Applying Fermat's Little Theorem
Areas and Volumes
Basic Probability Rules


Computational methods, algorithms, and other things related to computer science and engineering.

Designing Systems
The Original LinkedList
Thinking Functionally
Web Scraping and Data Visualization
Right-to-Left Exponentiation
Rotating Integers
Secant Method
Variation on Selection Sort
Sum of Elements in an Array
Leveraging the Type System
Multidimensional Plots in Julia
Peasant Multiplication
Planar Orthogonality
Plotting Vectors
Quick Sort
Representing Objects in Julia
Indexing from One
Iterating Over Partitions
Jaro Distance
Levenshtein Distance
Calling C Code from Julia
Emacs Survival Guide
Find Max or Min
Building Generators
A* Algorithm in C
Binary Search
Bisection Method
Bit Masking and Shifting
Bubble Sort


Opinion pieces covering religion, politics, philosophy. Here be dragons!

Learning New Information

System Operations

Topics relating to Linux, MacOS, system operations, systems administration, and development ops.

Code Challenge Solutions

Code challenge solutions from Project Euler, 99 Problems, Codewars, and more. The code is in various languages but mostly C, C++, Julia, and Haskell.

Graduate Exam Solutions

Explained solutions to problems from various practice graduate exams in the fields of math, physics, computer science, and astrophysics.